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January 19, 2022
[SSJ: 11704] [Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego] "Japan's New Economic Statecraft: What is Means for Geopolitics in 2022" with Akira Igata (Jan 26 JST / Jan 25 Pacific)
From: Hanae Araki <haraki@ucsd.edu>
Date: 2022/01/13
*Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: "Japan's New Economic Statecraft in 2022: Geopolitics in 2022", with Akira Igata*
Wed, Jan 26, 9:00-10:00 am JST (Tue, Jan 25, 4:00-5:00 pm PST)
Beginning with the Abe administration, Japan has seen a marked shift in its foreign policy and national security calculus. In the economic realm, this has been triggered by the looming digital disruption, Japan's endorsement of a "free and open Indo-Pacific", and a recent shift in China-Japan relations. So what is Japan's new plan for using global economic policy for security gains, and what can we expect under Prime Minister Kishida? Join Akira Igata, long-term advisor to the Japanese government, bureaucracy, private sector, and international organizations on economic security issues in Japan, to learn about recent developments and future scenarios.
*Akira Igata* is the Executive Director and Visiting Professor at the Center for Rule-making Strategies, Tama University. He is also an Economic Security Advisor to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) and a Senior Adjunct Fellow at Pacific Forum, a US-based think tank. He advises the Japanese government, bureaucracy, and the private sector in various capacities. His research expertise includes economic statecraft; human rights diplomacy; international politics in the Indo-Pacific; and Japanese security and foreign policies.
*Ulrike Schaede* is Professor of Japanese Business at GPS, UC San Diego, and the Director of JFIT. Her research focuses on Japan's changing corporate strategies, including business culture, change management, and business organization. Her 2020 book "The Business Reinvention of Japan" analyzes how Japanese companies are responding to the rise of China and the changing global competition.
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