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January 12, 2022

[SSJ: 11701] on 31st JAWS Conference in Barcelona, July 6-9, 2022

From: Blai Guarne <blai.guarne@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/01/12


*31st JAWS Conference in Barcelona, July 6-9, 2022*

Our apologies for cross-posting. On behalf of the Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS), we are happy to announce that the 31st JAWS Conference will be held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) from 6 to 9 July 2022.

This in-person conference will be based around the global theme of 'Research on Japan in the (Post-)COVID-19 Era'. We hope the deliberately broad nature of the topic will allow us to discuss and renew our shared endeavors regarding the anthropology of Japan in our current context. Views will be exchanged on a wide range of subjects, including the difficulties faced in carrying out fieldwork, how the pandemic is currently affecting our ethnographic projects and research interests, and not forgetting the digital possibilities that seem to be emerging for remote research.

As is customary for the JAWS conferences, the submission of any individual paper and panel proposal not directly related to the conference theme, but which is centred on the field of the anthropology of Japan, is also welcome.

We plan to hold the conference as an in-person event, assuming the situation with the pandemic does not prevent mobility between countries. We are also planning a couple of panel sessions via TEAMS, which are reserved for PhD candidates and researchers in training.

For submitting individual papers (250-word abstract) and panel proposals (250-word panel abstract + 250-word individual abstracts), please send your proposals by February 14, 2022, to jaws2022barcelona@gmail.com

For more information, please see the specific details for the conference on our website: https://japananthropologyworkshop.org/upcoming-31st-jaws-conference/

If you have any queries, please contact us at jaws2022barcelona@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

Blai Guarné
31st JAWS Conference Barcelona 2022

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