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December 2, 2021

[SSJ: 11664] CfP Japan media politics/communication science

From: Saki Mizoroki <s.mizoroki@gmail.com>
Date: 2021/12/02

Dear SSJ list members,

I'm a Ph.D. student at Tokyo University and currently studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel as a visiting research fellow. A German professor visiting the university is looking for a Japan's media scholar who can contribute to their journal. Please see the details below and contact him directly if you have any questions.


Dear all,

I'm serving as an editor of the German Publizistik, a quarterly journal on communication and media research coming out with Springer publishers. There, we have two series, one dedicated to the structure, institutions, and state of communication science in countries around the globe, another on media politics in different countries.

I am looking for someone from Japan (who must not be based in Japan) who could contribute such a perspective for Japan. The essay, preferably in English, would undergo peer review and would be published in one of the forthcoming issues.

For the sections, see here:


Looking forward to hearing from you.

All best,

Professor Dr. Christian Pentzold

Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft | Department for Communication and Media Studies
Universität Leipzig | Leipzig University

Nikolaistrasse 27-29, D-04109 Leipzig

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