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October 5, 2021

[SSJ: 11571] Free academic books

From: Yone Sugita <japan1166@gmail.com>
Date: 2021/10/03

Dear Colleagues:

I have boxes of books that my tiny house can no longer hold.
If libraries or other organizations would be willing to receive these books, I am more than
happy to send them.
I would like to keep at least one copy per title. If you find books you might be interested that have multiple copies in the file, please let me know which titles (as many title as you like) you want to have.

Here is a list of books:
http://sugita.us/Books.xls <http://sugita.us/Books.xls>
(All the books are edited, compiled, or written by me)
You will find a brief title on the list. If you wish to find out the exact tiles, this might be helpful.
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/books/ <https://ci.nii.ac.jp/books/>

Yone Sugita
Kobe, Japan

Approved by ssjmod at 03:32 PM