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September 22, 2021
[SSJ: 11555] Workshops on migration and community-building, ecology and degrowth (Waseda University, October)
From: NAKANO Yoshihiro <y-nakano@aoni.waseda.jp>
Date: 2021/09/07
Dear all
Waseda University's Global Asia Research Center holds the following online workshops in October.
Both events require prior registration. For detail, please refer to the event pages of our website (attached).
We look forward to your participation.
1. Chinese and Japanese-speaking migrant groups in Germany: From community-building to questions of wellbeing
https://www.waseda.jp/global-asia/article/2021/07/1776 <https://www.waseda.jp/global-asia/article/2021/07/1776>
Speaker: Dr. Zi Wang (Marie Curie Fellow, National Institute for
Oriental Languages and Civilisations, Paris, France)
Discussant: Dr. Yoshihiro Nakano (Waseda University)
Moderator: Dr. You Gene Kim (Waseda University)
Date: October 4 (Mon), 2021.
Time: 16: 30-18: 00 (Japan time)
Language: English
Eligible Participant: students, faculty members, and public
2. Ecology of Happiness
https://www.waseda.jp/global-asia/article/2021/07/1827 <https://www.waseda.jp/global-asia/article/2021/07/1827>
Speaker: Stefano Bartolini (Associate Professor, University of Siena)
Chair : Yoshihiro Nakano (Junior Researcher/Assistant Professor,
Waseda University)
Date & Time: October 12 (Tue), 2021, 18:15-19:45 (Japan Time)
Language: English
Eligible participant: student, faculty member, and public.
Yoshihiro Nakano
Junior Researcher / Assistant Professor
Organization for Regional and Inter-regional Studies (ORIS)
Waseda University
HP: https://www.waseda.jp/inst/oris/ <https://www.waseda.jp/inst/oris/>
Personal Web Office: https://postcapitalism.jp/index/ <https://postcapitalism.jp/index/>
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