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September 22, 2021
[SSJ: 11552] Sept. 23, 8-9 PM EDT: JPOSS, "Career Paths and Job Market Strategies for Japan Scholars"
From: Duncan, Emma Sachi <eduncan@wcfia.harvard.edu>
Date: 2021/09/15
Dear Colleague,
We hope you have been well this week. We are delighted to invite you to thenextJapanese Politics Online Seminar Series(JPOSS;http://jposs.org/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/jposs.org/__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!_GH7G4UxhkwR7KlEs6ripkuSnMuhAbz3UAUoHetR-biPHMNB58ZG-J4F8sdIEw$>):
Panel: "Career Paths and Job Market Strategies for Japan Scholars" <https://jposs.org/event/panel-9-23-2021/> (https://jposs.org/event/panel-9-23-2021/ <https://jposs.org/event/panel-9-23-2021/>)*
Please register here <https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ofu2sqjwpG9FkJiSP04PAmONSVNN78TYt>
https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ofu2sqjwpG9FkJiSP04PAmONSVNN78TYt <https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ofu2sqjwpG9FkJiSP04PAmONSVNN78TYt>*
U.S. EDT: 8:00-9:00 PM, September 23 (Thursday)
JST: 9:00-10:00 AM, September 24(Friday)
Sherry L. Martin (U.S. Department of State)
Kenneth Mori McElwain (University of Tokyo)
Kristin Vekasi (University of Maine; Harvard Program on U.S.-Japan Relations)
Chair: Christina L. Davis (Harvard University)
We are most honored and grateful to Sherry, Kenneth, and Kristin for sharing their time and perspectives.We look forward to an engaging conversation withyour participation!
Good wishes,
Amy Catalinac (NYU)
Charles Crabtree (Dartmouth)
Christina Davis (Harvard)
Yusaku Horiuchi (Dartmouth)
Phillip Lipscy (University of Toronto)
Frances McCall Rosenbluth (Yale)
Dan Smith (Columbia)
Emma Sachi Duncan
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Staff Assistant
Program on U.S.-Japan Relations
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Harvard University
Tel: (617) 495-1890
Website: http://programs.wcfia.harvard.edu/us-japan <http://programs.wcfia.harvard.edu/us-japan>
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