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September 15, 2021

[SSJ: 11549] Reminder: Call for Papers for the Online International Workshop «Justice & Interest / Judicialization»

From: Adrienne SALA <adrienne.sala@gmail.com>
Date: 2021/09/14

Dear All,

This is a gentle reminder about the Call for Papers for the Online International Workshop «Justice & Interest / Judicialization» on January 26-27, 2022, organized by the French Institute of Research on Japan (UMIFRE 19, CNRS, MEAE) at the Maison Franco-Japonaise.

This workshop is organized in cooperation with the European program "Justice and Interest" ( InSHS, CNRS,AMSE, CWP, LSE and 6 EU research centers) and the program "Judicialization of social and environmental issues in France and Japan" (IFRJ-MFJ, FFJ at EHESS and University of Tokyo).

This international workshop will deal with issues where the programs intersect, covering three themes in particular:
1°) Definitions, concepts and theories;
2°) Judicialization and governance, governmental legislation and CSR;
3°) Environmental and social justice, lawsuits and judicial decisions.

Contributors who work in economic philosophy, law and political sociology are particularly encouraged to submit papers relevant to those themes. Contributions from other closely related disciplines are welcome and they need not necessarily be specific to one geographic area, although the focus is on
Japan and international comparisons between Eastern Asian countries and Western countries.

For detailed description of the workshop, please visit the homepage of the host institution at :https://www.mfj.gr.jp/actualites/2021/06/21/callforpapers_judicialization/ <https://www.mfj.gr.jp/actualites/2021/06/21/callforpapers_judicialization/>
Abstract submission deadline is September 20, 2021. Please send it to:justice.workshop2022@gmail.com <mailto:justice.workshop2022@gmail.com>
We are looking forward to reading your paper and meeting you at the workshop!

Best regards,

Gilles Campagnolo (CNRS) and Adrienne Sala (IFRJ-MFJ, visiting researcher at University of Tokyo)

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