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September 2, 2021

[SSJ: 11538] [Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego] "Tumultuous Times - A Conversation with Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa" (September 8 JST / September 7 Pacific)

From: Amanda Lee-low <aleelow@ucsd.edu>
Date: 2021/08/31

Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: Tumultuous Times - A Conversation with Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa, moderated by Ulrike Schaede
Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 8:30am-9:30am JST / Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 4:30pm-5:30pm Pacific | Register:https://bit.ly/3jj5Zjy <https://bit.ly/3jj5Zjy>

Join us for a discussion of Japanese monetary policy and the role of Japan in international finance in the 21st century, with the 30th Governor of The Bank of Japan. Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa oversaw the global financial crisis ("Lehman Shock"), the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima disaster, and a period of tremendous economic and political turbulence. He will look back on how Japan's monetary policy experience was treated by Western economists, and suggest that we need to rethink mainstream macroeconomics.

Mr. Masaaki Shirakawa served as governor of The Bank of Japan (2008-2013), and as Vice Chairman of the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements (2011-2013). Currently, he is Distinguished Guest Professor at Aoyama-Gakuin University. Born in 1949, he studied economics at the University of Tokyo (B.A.) and at the University of Chicago (M.A.), and joined The Bank of Japan in 1972. He is the author of "Tumultuous Times: Central Banking in an Era of Crisis" (Yale University Press, 2021)

Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at GPS, UC San Diego, and the Director of JFIT. Her 2020 book "The Business Reinvention of Japan" analyzes how Japanese companies are responding to the rise of China and the changing global competition.

*The Japan Zoominar will resume on a bi-weekly schedule, through the end of 2021.
9/21 (9/22 JST): Japan's Business Reinvention: How to lead Corporate Culture Change with Takuya Shimamura, Eric R. Johnson, and Ulrike Schaede, hosted by the Japan Society of Northern California.
Register:https://www.usajapan.org/event/japans-business-reinvention-how-to-lead-corporate-culture-change/ <https://www.usajapan.org/event/japans-business-reinvention-how-to-lead-corporate-culture-change/>

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https://jfit.ucsd.edu/zoominar/index.html <https://jfit.ucsd.edu/zoominar/index.html>
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https://jfit.ucsd.edu/news-media/san-diego-japan-newsflash.html <https://jfit.ucsd.edu/news-media/san-diego-japan-newsflash.html>

Approved by ssjmod at 01:38 PM