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August 24, 2021

[SSJ: 11531] Re: JPOSS: August 19 (Th) 8-9 pm EDT, Yeonju Lee (Waseda University), "How East and West Judge Income Inequality"

From: Duncan, Emma Sachi <eduncan@wcfia.harvard.edu>
Date: 2021/08/13

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to thenextJapanese Politics Online Seminar Series(JPOSS;http://jposs.org/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/jposs.org/__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!_GH7G4UxhkwR7KlEs6ripkuSnMuhAbz3UAUoHetR-biPHMNB58ZG-J4F8sdIEw$>):

*Yeonju Lee (Waseda University), "How East and West Judge Income Inequality" <https://jposs.org/event/lee-8-19-21/>*

(https://jposs.org/event/lee-8-19-21/ <https://jposs.org/event/lee-8-19-21/>)

*Please register here* <https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvdOmrqD4qGdW7Sy-HRjerEyfiBODbePZa>

(https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvdOmrqD4qGdW7Sy-HRjerEyfiBODbePZa <https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvdOmrqD4qGdW7Sy-HRjerEyfiBODbePZa>)

*U.S. EDT: 8:00-9:00 PM, **August 19(Thursday)*

*JST: 9:00-10:00 AM, **August20(Friday)*

*Presenter*: Yeonju Lee (Waseda University)

*Discussants*: David Stasavage (New York University), Daniel Stegmueller (Duke University)

*Chair*: Daniel Smith (Columbia University)


East and West have strikingly different cultures, which shapes people's way of thinking, attitudes, and behavior. Does this cultural difference lead to a difference in how people judge income inequality? What kind of income inequalities are considered fair and unfair in East and West? How do people make the distinction between fair and unfair income inequalities? To address these questions, I conducted online surveys and experiments in two East Asian countries and two Western countries--Japan, France, Korea, and the United States. I find significant variations in fairness views and inequality acceptance among these countries but no meaningful difference between East and West. The difference in what is seen as fair income inequality across countries is more closely related to sociopolitical cleavages rather than the cultural differences between East and West. However, I find that the reasoning behind people's inequality and redistributive preferences differ between the two cultures. Evidence suggests that Asians are more sociotropic and Westerners are more self-interest-seeking.

The paper will be uploaded soon to the event page at the URL above. We look forward to your participation!

Good wishes,

AmyCatalinac(New York University)

Charles Crabtree (Dartmouth College)

Christina Davis (Harvard University)

Yusaku Horiuchi (Dartmouth College)

PhillipLipscy(University of Toronto)

Frances McCall Rosenbluth (Yale University)

Dan Smith (Columbia University)


Emma Duncan
Staff Assistant
Program on U.S.-Japan Relations
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Harvard University
Tel: (617) 495-1890
Website: http://programs.wcfia.harvard.edu/us-japan <http://programs.wcfia.harvard.edu/us-japan>
Pronouns: they/them/theirs or she/her/hers

Approved by ssjmod at 05:48 PM