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June 9, 2021

[SSJ: 11472] [Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego] June 9, 8:30 AM JST (June 8, 4:30 PM PDT) Entrepreneurial Revival In Japan: A False Spring or Real Opportunity? with Richard Katz

From: Amanda Lee-low <aleelow@ucsd.edu>
Date: 2021/06/03

Dear all,

This week, Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego hosts "Entrepreneurial Revival In Japan: A False Spring or Real Opportunity?", with Richard Katz. Please join us for this conversation with Ulrike Schaede, here:
Wednesday, June 9th, 2021, 8:30am-9:30am Japan Time (JST)
Tuesday, June 8th, 2021, 4:30pm-5:30pm Pacific (PDT)
https://ucsd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rQNsAg-6SHah9Kl_MMcM_A <https://ucsd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rQNsAg-6SHah9Kl_MMcM_A>

Reviving Japan's past entrepreneurship is no impossible dream. Generational and technological changes are already creating a new generation of successful entrepreneurs. So far, these trends lack critical mass and, under "business as usual", they'll never reach it. If, however,
supportive policies are implemented--another possible dream--reviving entrepreneurship can help rejuvenate the entire economy.

Guest Speaker:
Richard Katz is finishing up a forthcoming book on reviving entrepreneurship in Japan. Previously, he had been Editor of The Oriental Economist Report and still writes regular commentaries for Weekly Toyo Keizai. In 1998, he authored "Japan: The System That Soured."

Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at GPS, UC San Diego, and the Director of JFIT. Her research focuses on Japan's changing corporate strategies, including business culture, change management, and business organization. Her 2020 book "The Business Reinvention of Japan" analyzes
how Japanese companies are responding to the rise of China and the changing global competition.

We hope to see you there!

Missed us last week? Japan Zoominars are recorded, and uploaded to our website and youtube channel the day after live airing. Catch up here:
https://jfit.ucsd.edu/zoominar/past-japan-zoominars.html <https://jfit.ucsd.edu/zoominar/past-japan-zoominars.html>

Coming up the following Wednesday (JST):
6/16 (6/15 Pacific) Follower no More: Japan's Role in Shaping the Liberal Trading Order with Mireya Solis
Please register here for this upcoming Japan Zoominar:
https://ucsd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_itwodJfuRdi1nUo3r-G62Q <https://ucsd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_itwodJfuRdi1nUo3r-G62Q>

Watch Previous and Register for Upcoming Japan Zoominars Here:
https://jfit.ucsd.edu/zoominar/index.html <https://jfit.ucsd.edu/zoominar/index.html>
Sign-up for our newsletter here:
https://jfit.ucsd.edu/news-media/san-diego-japan-newsflash.html <https://jfit.ucsd.edu/news-media/san-diego-japan-newsflash.html>

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