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June 9, 2021

[SSJ: 11470] Job Announcement: Lecturer, Modern Japanese Studies Program, Hokkaido University

From: Emma Cook <cook@imc.hokudai.ac.jp>
Date: 2021/06/03

Dear SSJ-Forum,

The Modern Japanese Studies Program, a bilingual bachelor's degree program in Japanese Studies at Hokkaido University, is hiring a non-tenured lecturer (5 year contract, renewable once) in the field of political science, economics, sociology or legal studies, though we need someone who can ideally teach courses in political science if possible.

The job announcement and information on how to apply can be found here: https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=3&dt=1&id=D121050251&ln_jor=1 <https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=3&dt=1&id=D121050251&ln_jor=1>

With best regards,
Emma Cook

Emma Cook, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Japanese Studies Program, Anthropology.
Hokkaido University, Institute for International Collaboration, Kita 15, Nishi 8, Kita ku, Sapporo, 060-0815, Japan

_Recent Publications:_
2020. 'Embodied Memory, Affective Imagination, and Vigilance: Navigating Food Allergies in Japan', /Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry /https://rdcu.be/b7I8O <https://rdcu.be/b7I8O>
2020. 'Masculinity Studies in Japan' in Jennifer Coates, Lucy Fraser and Mark Pendleton (eds.), /The Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture/, London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 50-59.
2019. (with Andrea De Antoni) Special Issue: "Feeling (with) Japan: Affective, Sensory and Material Entanglements in the Field." /Asian Anthropology/. 18(3): 139-248.
2019. (with Allison Alexy) /Intimate Japan: Ethnographies of Closeness and Conflict/. Edited volume. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

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