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November 10, 2020

[SSJ: 11234] New book on the discursive construction of hierarchy in Japanese secondary schools

From: Zi Wang <zi.wang.1986@stud.uni-due.de>
Date: 2020/11/10

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book "The Discursive Construction of Hierarchy in Japanese Society: An Ethnographic Study of Secondary School Clubs" with De Gruyter. This is an ethnographic account which examines the ways in which adolescents are socialised into the hierarchical system of thought and comportment (上下関係) in extra-curricular interactional contexts, as well as the role of discourse in this process.

More details and endorsements can be found here: https://www.degruyter.com/view/title/561664?tab_body=overview

Best wishes,
Zi Wang

Zi Wang

Research Fellow
Institute of East Asian Studies
Universität Duisburg-Essen

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