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September 10, 2020

[SSJ: 11149] Sept 17/18: JPOSS panel, "How to Frame Japan-Related Research for Publications and the Job Market"

From: Fujihira, Shinju <sfujihira@wcfia.harvard.edu>
Date: 2020/09/08

Dear Colleague,

We are delighted to invite you to the 3rd Japanese Politics Online Seminar Series (JPOSS; http://jposs.org/):

Panel: "How to Frame Japan-Related Research for Publications and the Job Market"
Registration required: Please register here.
U.S. ET: 8-9 pm, September 17 (Thurs)
JST: 9-10 am, September 18 (Fri)
Panelists: JPOSS faculty organizers.

We look forward to our participation!

Good wishes,

Amy Catalinac (NYU)
Charles Crabtree (Dartmouth)
Christina Davis (Harvard)
Yusaku Horiuchi (Dartmouth)
hillip Lipscy (University of Toronto)
Frances McCall Rosenbluth (Yale)
Dan Smith (Harvard)

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