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February 20, 2020

[SSJ: 11063] Japan Forum Podcast 4 with Oleg Benesch, coauthor of "Japan's Castles: Citadels of Modernity in War and Peace"

From: Bill Mihalopoulous <bm25@soas.ac.uk>
Date: 2020/02/19

Japan Forum caught up with Oleg Benesch to talk about his new book Japan's Castles: Citadels of Modernity in War and Peace, co-authored with Ran Zwigenberg.

In the podcast Dr Benesch talks about what motivated them to write a book about castles that is not military history; writing a book with another author who lives in another part of the world; the meaning of modernity; the ambiguous relationship between history and heritage; and why issues of "space" matter in history.

The podcast can be found here:

Thank you

Bill Mihalopoulos
Chief Editor

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