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February 5, 2020
[SSJ: 11039] Request for seminar announcement
From: 岡昌美 <moka@chikyu.ac.jp>
Date: 2020/02/04
Dear Moderator of the SSJ-Forum listserv,
This is Masami Oka of the Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia, hosted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto.
I am contacting you at the suggestion by Dr. Magnus Bengtsson who subscribes to this listserv, with regards to a seminar we are going to organize in collaboration with a research network he is engaged in.
We are going to organize a seminar on the theme of "Why Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production is essential to achieving the SDGs" from 1pm on 20th February at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto, Japan.
Kindly please find the details of the seminar at the website of the Future Earth Asia Centre (http://old.futureearth.org/asiacentre/why-systems-sustainable-consumption-and-production-essential-achieving-sdgs) but for your quick reference for possible distribution, following is the outline of the seminar:
The Knowledge-Action Network (KAN) on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SSCP) is pleased to announce that a seminar on "Why Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production is essential to achieving the SDGs" will be held on February 20 in Kyoto, Japan.
The seminar will explore what futures of food consumption and production might look like in a post-growth economy and what systemic transformations are needed for work, trade, and everyday life to enhance sustainability at local and global scales. Core members of the KAN-SSCP and Japan-based researchers will provide talks and exchange their views on the topics including the following:
Why the most critical SDG is SSCP is essential to achieving the SDGs (Maurie Cohen, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Magnus Bengtsson, independent researcher in the field of environmental sustainability)
Environmental Footprint of Nations, Cities, and Households (Keiichiro Kanemoto, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
SCP beyond the chains of commodities (Sylvia Lorek, Adjunct professor in consumer economics and head of SERI Germany e.V.,)
Transforming sustainable food consumption and production (Steven McGreevy, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
Changing conditions give birth to changing Japanese lifestyles (Azby Brown, Founder of the KIT Future Design Institute and lead researcher of Safecast)
Facilitated Discussion (Charlotte Jensen, Former assistant professor at Aalborg University)
Please find the details at the following link: http://old.futureearth.org/asiacentre/why-systems-sustainable-consumption-and-production-essential-achieving-sdgs
The seminar will be organized in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia, hosted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto.
We would be grateful if you could consider distributing the information through your listserv.
Thank you and best regards,
Masami Oka
Communications Officer
Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto
e-mail: moka@chikyu.ac.jp
Approved by ssjmod at 09:36 AM