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November 12, 2019
[SSJ: 10936] 9th Annual Waseda RILAS Forum on Coal Mining History in UK/Japan
From: Mark Pendleton <m.pendleton@sheffield.ac.uk>
Date: 2019/11/08
Dear colleagues,
Colleagues in Tokyo may be interested in this year's Annual Research Institute for Letters, Arts and Science (RILAS) Forum at Waseda University. The theme is "How Should We Record and Pass Down the Stories of Industrial Labour and Experiences? : The Case of Coal Mining" on 7 December, featuring research from a number of partners involved in the UK/Japan international research network on New Directions in Coal Mining History and Heritage, which I'm currently leading.
These include the AHRC-funded "On Behalf of the People: Work, Community, and Class in the British Coal Industry 1947-1994" project, the Japan Association for the Study of Former Coalfields (JAFCOF), heritage practitioners from the UK and Japan and other associated researchers from various Japanese and European institutions.
More details on the event can be found in English here, with links to the Japanese flyer. The event will be bilingual, and all are welcome.
Dr Mark Pendleton
Lecturer in Japanese Studies
Sheffield UCU Equalities and Diversity Officer
School of East Asian Studies
The University of Sheffield
Ph: +44-114-222-8440
Pronouns: he/him/his
Recent publications:
Pendleton, Mark (2019) 'Going underground with Murakami Haruki: storytelling, oral history and the "Japanese psyche" after the Tokyo subway sarin attack,' Ethnologie Francaise, 49 (1): 141-152.
Pendleton, Mark and Jamie Coates (eds) (2018) 'Thinking from the Yamanote: Space, Place and Mobility in Tokyo's Past and Present,' a special issue of Japan Forum, 30 (2).
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