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August 27, 2019

[SSJ: 10796] Sep 25 Lecture on Global Trends in Terrorism and Tokyo 2020 at RCAST UTokyo

From: satoshi ikeuchi <ikeuchi@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2019/08/25

Dear friends and collegues,

I'm pleased to invite you to an open lecture "Global Trends in Terrorism: How Do We Protect Tokyo 2020 from Threats?" by Prof. Boaz Ganor, a world-renowned expert on counter-terrorism strategy.

RCAST Security Seminar #19
Special Lecture:"Global Trends in Terrorism: How Do We Protect Tokyo 2020 from Threats?"

Date & Time: September 25, 2019, 14:00-15:30
Venue: ENEOS Hall, 1st. floor of 3-s bldg., RCAST, the University of Tokyo


Speaker: Boaz Ganor, Professor and the Dean of Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel

Moderator: Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST, The University of Tokyo

Free and open to the general public.


Event URL:

Satoshi Ikeuchi
Professor of Religion and Global Security
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5452-5362
Fax: +81-3-5452-5363
ikeuchi@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp <mailto:ikeuchi@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp>

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