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July 12, 2019

[SSJ: 10768] REMINDER: Sophia University ICCWorkshop "Anthropologist and/or Practitioner?" on July 15th

From: Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Office <i-comcul@sophia.ac.jp>
Date: 2019/07/09

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture presents a workshop

Anthropologist and/or Practitioner?:

Plural ontologies in the worlds of Mindfulness and Coaching

July 15th, 14:00-17:30

Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus

Bldg. 10, room 301

This interactive workshop explores how two anthropologists are enacting plural identities and ontologies in their research and practice. How do anthropologists juggle identities and ontologies inside and outside the 'field' - particularly when the field increasingly becomes merged with one's profession/expertise? What can the worlds of mindfulness and coaching teach us about how to expand and explore the world of anthropological scholarship in different ways?

We invite participants who are interested in anthropological methods, native anthropology, and/or in mindfulness and coaching - to share their experiences and ideas. We hope to consider questions of 'going native', of ontological commitment and authenticity, and of bringing anthropological perspectives into the world of coaching and mindfulness. We are interested in ways of presenting, writing, and engaging with knowledge that embody and that open up plural ways of being in the world.

This event is organized by Professor David H. SLATER (FLA)

Presentations. 14:00-15:30

l Yuki Imoto, Keio University, Japan. "The ontological sway between practitioner and anthropologist - researching mindfulness, contemplative education and ethnography."

l Hiroki Ichinose, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. "Deeply Engaged and Embedded in the Field: Ontological Shift and/or Drift between a "Coaching Researcher" and a "Coach/Workshop Facilitator""

Panel Discussion: 15:45-16:45


l Sachiko Horiguchi, Temple University

l Yi Zhu, Tsukuba University

General Discussion: 16:45-17:30

For more information, see the attached program.

Event in English/ No translation provided/ No prior registration necessary

Institute of Comparative Culture (ICC) Sophia University

7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, JAPAN

Web: http://icc.fla.sophia.ac.jp/

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