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July 4, 2019
[SSJ: 10759] July 16 Free Lecture at Lakeland University: "Climate Change and the Humanities"
From: Roger Grabowski <grabowski@japan.lakeland.edu>
Date: 2019/07/04
This lecture (in English) will be held Tuesday, July 16 at 7:00 at Lakeland University in Shinjuku.
"Climate Change and the Humanities", presented by Dr. Lajos Brons
Climate change and its effects is not just a topic for climate scientists, but for the humanities and social sciences as well. Climate scientists can tell us what the probable effects of a certain amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere are, but not how much CO₂ we are going to emit, for example. The latter question belongs to the humanities and social sciences instead. After a brief introduction into the state of affairs in climate science, this lecture will discuss a selection of topics related to climate change from the point of view of the humanities and social sciences
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