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July 1, 2019

[SSJ: 10749] Call for Presenters for the 8th GRIPS Student Conference (9/3)

From: Karin Hillen <karin@grips.ac.jp>
Date: 2019/06/28

We're pleased to announce that the 8th GRIPS Student Conference will be held on Tuesday 3 September 2019 and we seek your participation in it. This year's theme is "Public Policy in a Changing World: Tackling Global Issues".

*Conference Background and Objectives*

As complex policy challenges become global, finding innovative solutions to address them is a daunting task. Despite the increased efforts and awareness about global issues, many countries and organizations have yet to meet the expectations of international community and their own citizens. The looming climate crisis and environmental degradation undermine well-being, economic growth and competitiveness. Government corruption, abuse of power, and unstable political situations hinder sustainable and inclusive development strides, wasting the resources required for solving issues such as poverty, lack of quality education and unemployment. Uncertainty over the nuclear talks with Iran and North Korea, trade frictions between the U.S. and China, protectionist trade trend, financial instability and cybersecurity concerns show no signs of abating. The number of refugees and people displaced by conflicts have reached a record high, with nationalism, populism, extremism, and racism in the refugee-receiving countries on the rise. International terrorism remains an intractable threat in many parts of the world. Moreover, insufficient political leadership impedes the attempts to find solutions and results in delays to effective responses to toward these challenges.

What can we do to tackle these challenges?

This question sets the stage for an intriguing conference, which will center on the theme of Public Policy in a Changing World: Tackling Global Issues. The Conference will cover a wide range of topics, from international relations, security, development, innovation & technology, gender and education to domestic policy and economics. The Conference brings together a diverse group of students, researchers, and professionals from various disciplines and backgrounds to share their ideas and research findings in a bid to find feasible, creative, and innovative solutions to the local, regional, and global challenges today.

*Participating in the Conference - Call for Presenters*

The Conference is open to all GRIPS and non-GRIPS students, researchers, and professionals. It provides an excellent opportunity for young as well as established researchers to share expertise in important policy areas, contribute to existing scholarship, and expand their networks. We invite both empirical and conceptual papers on any policy issue that is relevant to the conference theme of peace and sustainable growth. Below are some broad areas in which we invite presentations.

International relations

Development economics and studies

Security studies




Social & public policy

Disaster management

Innovation & technology

Presenters will have around 20 minutes to present and answer questions. The official language of the conference is English.

*Registration and Abstract Submission Guidelines*

If you would like to present a paper at the 8th GRIPS Student Conference, please register online (http://bit.ly/2ZK8777) with your (tentative) presentation title and abstract of 200-300 words. You can edit your submission until July 31 (Wed), 18:00 pm (UTC +9). All abstracts must include a title, author(s)' name(s), affiliation, and e-mail, and 3-5 keywords. The abstract should describe the theme of the paper and the theory and research method used, and give a summary of the main conclusions. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will be notified by e-mail by August 5 (Mon). Presenters whose papers have been accepted should send their presentation slides to the Conference Committee by e-mail no later than August 28 (Wed).


Registration (including title and submission of abstract) via this form (http://bit.ly/2ZK8777), Wednesday, 31 July, 2019

Authors are notified of their status, Monday, 5 August, 2019

Submission of presentation slides, Wednesday, 28 August, 2019


Inquiries can be e-mailed to studentconference@grips.ac.jp <mailto:studentconference@grips.ac.jp>.

Please check further info and latest updates at the Student Conference website:


The 8th GRIPS Student Conference Organising Committee

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku | Tokyo 106-8677 | Japan

Tel 81 (0)3 6439 6047 | Fax 81 (0)3 6439 6070

Email StudentConference@grips.ac.jp <mailto:StudentConference@grips.ac.jp>

Web http://www.grips.ac.jp/education/student_conference/8th_student_conference/

Approved by ssjmod at 04:31 PM