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May 29, 2019

[SSJ: 10684] Lecture on Friday, June 21, 2019, 3:00 pm " 'Dark Tourism' in Japan"

From: Tokyo College, University of Tokyo <tokyo.college.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2019/05/29

Dear SSJ-Forum subscribers,

You are cordially invited to the following Tokyo College public lecture on Friday, June 21, 2019, 3:00-4:45 pm.

" 'Dark Tourism' in Japan: Global, National, and Local Perspectives"

Speaker: Andrew Gordon, Harvard University

Discussants: Cheol Hee Park, Seoul National University, and Shunya Yoshimi, University of Tokyo

*The lecture will be followed by a discussion between the three professors.

Venue: Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall, The University of Tokyo

Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous translation available)
< https://www.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/news/page_00005.html >

Exploring "light" and "dark" history.
The term "dark tourism" describes visits to sites of tragic and destructive historical events. Famous examples include the Auschwitz concentration camp or the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. Other locations, such as the "Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution", combine elements of "light" and "dark" history. This talk will discuss the sites of what one might also call "difficult history" and argue for the importance of allowing for multiple perspectives that recognize the complexity of our shared histories.

Admission is free, but pre-registration required (125 seats - First come, first served). Please register online via our website < https://bit.ly/2HKwhap >.

Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo https://www.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html

Approved by ssjmod at 11:58 AM