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March 14, 2019

[SSJ: 10579] Series of articles on young foreign graduate employment in Japan

From: Harald Conrad <h.conrad@sheffield.ac.uk>
Date: 2019/03/08

Dear Colleagues,

Please allow me to point you to a new, three-part series of articles in Japanese about young foreign graduate employment in Japanese companies, which I have just published together with Professors Kenta Koyama (Tokyo Keizai University) and Hendrik Meyer-Ohle (National University of Singapore).

Based on our recent research, these articles are primarily aimed at Japanese HR managers and offer concrete advise how Japanese companies might be able to improve the working conditions of young foreign graduates. While other observers have argued that such improvements require fundamental changes to Japanese employment practices, we argue that incremental changes are more realistic and achievable.

外国籍新卒社員の採用と活躍 <https://www.rosei.jp/jinjour/list/series.php?ss=3153>

第1回 現状と課題


外国籍新卒社員の採用と活躍 <https://www.rosei.jp/jinjour/list/series.php?ss=3153>

第2回 外国籍新卒社員からこう言われたら、どうする?(1)


外国籍新卒社員の採用と活躍 <https://www.rosei.jp/jinjour/list/series.php?ss=3153>

第3回 外国籍部下からこう言われたら、どうする?(2)


With best wishes



Dr Harald Conrad Sasakawa Senior Lecturer in Japan's Economy and Management UG Admissions Tutor, East Asian Studies Degree Tutor & Departmental Employability Lead School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield 6/8 Shearwood Road University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TD United Kingdom Tel: ++44-(0)114-222-8431 The University of Sheffield: A world top-100 university Please take a look at my recent publications: Transnationalization of a Recruitment Regime: Skilled Migration to Japan, In: International Migration https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imig.12529

Brokers and the Organization of Recruitment of 'Global Talent' by Japanese Firms - A Migration Perspective (with Hendrik Meyer-Ohle), in: Social Science Japan Journal https://academic.oup.com/ssjj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ssjj/jyx032/4670772?guestAccessKey=bc1b3dc1-55c7-47b6-a1ed-599a0ac0d897 Overcoming the Ethnocentric Firm? - Foreign Fresh University Graduate Employment in Japan as a New International Human Resource Development Method (with Hendrik Meyer-Ohle), in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09585192.2017.1330275 Discourses of Female Entrepreneurship in the Japanese Business Press - 25 Years and Little Progress (with Sonja Bobrowska), in: Japanese Studies http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10371397.2017.1293474

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