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March 6, 2019
[SSJ: 10565] IPSS Foreign Scholar Lecture Series: "Family Policy in International Perspective"
From: Reiko Hayashi <hayashi-reiko@ipss.go.jp>
Date: 2019/03/05
Dear all
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research organizes following lecture in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.
Title: "Family Policy in International Perspective"
Lecturer: Willem Adema (Senior Economist for the Social Policy
Division, OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour & Social Affairs)
Date and time: 10:30 - 11:30, March 19 (Tue.), 2019
Place: Conference Room No.22 on the 18th floor of the No. 5 Central
Government Joint Building (1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,
100-8916 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) Map
Family policy in Japan faces important challenges in view of the
ongoing demographic transition. The important questions include: how
can policy become more family-friendly and better support more
parents in their quest to reconcile work and family commitments. How
can family policy help address the barriers underlying the
persistently low fertility rates; how are other OECD countries doing
in terms of work/life balance policies; and what are best practices
in terms of family policy measures such as parental leave or formal
childcare policy that can inform the policy debate in Japan?
The presentation will first look at some cross-national differences
in work/family outcomes, and look at the scope of public social and
family expenditure, the underlying family policy objectives and how
these may differ across OECD countries. The presentation will
consider different factors that affect work/life balance on a
cross-national basis, and how outcomes for men and women in face of
the parental time-crunch vary across countries in terms of working
hours, access to flexible workplace practices, and unpaid care work.
The use of work/life balance supports such as parental leave,
childcare and out-of-school hours care measures will also be considered.
Dr. Adema will make the case for more family-friendly policies and
more gender equality in the labour market, as these have positive
effects on family and child well-being and child development,
fertility trends, future labour supply and economic growth.
The profile of Dr.Adema is posted here (PDF)
*Presentation and discussion are given in English. (Japanese
simultaneous translation is provided).
*Please register from here (required)
5pm on March 15th. If you do not have pre-registration, you cannot
enter the building. Identity card is required at the entrance of the
building. How to enter the Ministry's building is explained here (in
Japanese) <https://www.mhlw.go.jp/topics/2009/02/tp0209-1.html>.
If you have problem with the links above, the same contents is uploaded at;
国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 国際関係部長
〒100-0011 千代田区内幸町2-2-3 日比谷国際ビル6F
Tel : 03-3595-2984 内線4420 Fax : 03-3591-4821
hayashi-reiko@ipss.go.jp <mailto:hayashi-reiko@ipss.go.jp>
Reiko Hayashi, Ph.D.
Department of International Research and Cooperation
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS)
Hibiya Kokusai Building 6th Floor
2-2-3 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011
Tel: +81-(0)3-3595-2984 ext.4420 fax : +81-(0)3-3591-4821
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