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February 22, 2019

[SSJ: 10553] [Temple ICAS Event] Tensions in the Persian Gulf and Beyond: What it Means for the World and Japan

From: ICAS <icas@tuj.temple.edu>
Date: 2019/02/19

The Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS) at Temple University, Japan Campus cordially invites you to the following evening lecture on March 7, 2019. All ICAS events are held in English, open to the public, and admission is free unless otherwise noted.

- ICAS Event -
Tensions in the Persian Gulf and Beyond: What it Means for the World and Japan

Date & Time:

Thursday, March 7, 2019 19:00 - 21:00 (Doors open at 18:30)


Temple University, Japan Campus, Azabu Hall, 1F Parliament

(access: http://www.tuj.ac.jp/maps/tokyo.html)


Masaki Kakizaki, Associate Professor, Temple University Japan Campus


RSVP is encouraged but not required (icas@tuj.temple.edu).

*Overview: *

The past few years have witnessed the rise of new conflicts in the Middle East, such as the Syrian civil war, rise and (partial) fall of Daesh (The Islamic State), the breakdown of relations between Qatar and its Arab neighbors, the continuation of old ones (the Israeli-Palestinian one) the worsening of others (Iran and Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the U.S.), and the increasing involvement of Turkey in the region. In the background, there is continuing unrest in many regional states and the shadow of the Trump Administration.

Our panel will focus on several of these issues and also address their implications for Japan.

*Panelists: *

Alain Frachon, Senior Foreign Affairs Columnist, Le Monde

Alain Frachon is a Senior Foreign Affairs Columnist at Le Monde. He covered the Iranian revolution for AFP News Agency, was stationed in Jerusalem and Washington D.C., and has been following developments in the Middle East for several decades. Mr. Franchon will join via videoconference

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