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December 12, 2018
[SSJ: 10490] Lecture announcement: Let's Talk about Gender
From: S P F Dale <sonjadale@gmail.com>
Date: 2018/12/11
Hitotsubashi University Japanese Studies in English Lecture Series 2018
Theme: Contributing to Society
"Let's Talk About Gender ~Capturing People's Hearts and minds to move beyond prejudice~"
http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/glp/posts/2018-12-20181218lecture.html <http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/glp/posts/2018-11-20181120lecture.html>
Date: December 18 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Venue: Room 3508, Mercury Tower 5F
Gender issues are often not visible but are an important part of who we are. Although you may not be aware of the significance of gender, your remarks or actions can make a big difference in helping or hurting others.
We invite two guest speakers working in the field of gender - one on LGBT issues and the other on sexual violence.
NPO Rebit provides education and training to raise awareness of LGBT issues, and support through job hunting assistance and coming-of-age ceremonies. NPO Chabujo launched a grassroots campaign to change the culture surrounding sexual violence.
This talk is recommended for anyone who wants to be a part of the change. The speakers have experiences of working with/as college students, and this will a good opportunity to learn about how to change the society around you.
The event will be followed by a free dinner reception which all are welcome to join.
Mika Yakushi, NPO ReBit
Chairperson of the Non-Profit Organization ReBit and a career counsellor. Born in 1989, he graduated from Waseda University and while a student founded ReBit, initially as a student organization. Has given numerous talks at schools, administrations, and companies, and provided job hunting and career support for over 1500 LGBT individuals. A member of the Shinjuku Ward Task Force on Youth Suicide Prevention and other councils. Awarded the "Human Resources Award" in 2015, and in 2016 was a member of the "Global Shapers Community" at the Davos Summit. Publications include "LGBTtte nan darou?" (Godo Publishing) and "Toransujendaa to shokuba kankyou handobukku" (JMAM).
Sachiko Osawa, Chabujo
Founded Chabudai Gaeshi Joshi Action (Chabujo) in 2015, a grassroots campaign organization working towards gender equality. Last year, she was one of the lead organizers in a national campaign to reform sex crime laws for the first time since Meiji period and to change cultural norms around sexual violence in Japan. Currently, she is organizing students and young people to create a culture of consent to prevent sexual violence. Prior to Chabujo, she worked as a consultant for businesses and NGOs.
Sonja Pei-Fen DALE
一橋大学社会学研究科 専任講師
Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Adjunct Assistant Professor
sonjadale@gmail.com <mailto:sonjadale@gmail.com> / sonja.dale@r.hit-u.ac.jp <mailto:sonja.dale@r.hit-u.ac.jp> /
Tel: (81) 42-580-8940
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