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December 6, 2018
[SSJ: 10477] REMINDER December 21: 14th Yamakawa Kenjiro Memorial Lecture: Professor Ian Shapiro on democratic competition
From: Nobuhiro Hiwatari <hiwatari@iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2018/12/06
Our guest speaker for the 14th Yamakawa Kenjiro Memorial Lecture is Professor Ian Shapiro Professor Shapiro is the Henry R.Luce Director of the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, as well as Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale ( This talk is cosponsored by the Graduate Schools of Law and Political Seances) 1. Title: Democratic Competition: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
2. Time & Date: Friday, 21 December 2018, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m 3. Venue: Conference Room, 8F, Law Building No.3 (<http://www.j.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/>) 4. Please register at Nobuhiro Hiwatari (<hiwatari@iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp>). Also use the same address for inquires. 5. Brief Description: "Ian Shapiro discusses the varieties of political competition across the democratic world. He shows why efforts to reform political parties over the past several decades to make them more democratic have backfired,compounding voter alienation, undermining good governance, and empowering demagogues and other populists. He also explains what needs to be done to reverse the trend. This talk draws from his new book with Frances Rosenbluth: Responsible Parties: Saving Democracy from Itself (Yale University Press, 2018)." 6. About the Speaker: Ian Shapiro is Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University, where he also serves as Henry R. Luce Director of the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. He has written widely and influentially on democracy, justice, and the methods of social inquiry. A native of South Africa, he received his J.D. from the Yale Law School and his Ph.D from the Yale Political Science Department where he has taught since 1984 and served as chair from 1999 to 2004. Shapiro is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a past fellow of the Carnegie Corporation, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He has held visiting appointments at the University of Cape Town, Keio University in Tokyo, and Nuffield College, Oxford. His most recent books are The Real World of Democratic Theory (Princeton University Press, 2012) Politics Against Domination (Harvard University Press, 2016), and, with Frances Rosenbluth, Responsible Parties: Saving Democracy from Itself (Yale University Press, 2018). His current research concerns the relations between democracy and the distribution of income and wealth.
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