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November 22, 2018

[SSJ: 10459] December 2, *J.A.P.A.N in B.I.T.S--WAKE UP!* A Student-Centered Learning Event for the Purpose of Equity and Social Justice

From: 迦部留チャールズ <chacab@gmail.com>
Date: 2018/11/21

Dear friends and colleagues,

please allow me to announce the following conference, which will take place from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
at Toyo University, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo
on December 2

*J.A.P.A.N in B.I.T.S--WAKE UP!*

A Student-Centered Learning Event Bringing Together Students, Educators and Social Activist for the Purpose of Equity and Social Justice


*8:30 to 9:00:* The day begins in Sky Hall (Bldg. No. 2, 16th Fl.) with a breakfast of pastries, fruit, coffee and tea.

*9:00 to 12:00:* After breakfast, primarily student-designed, student-led *WORKSHOPS* will begin. Atendees will choose one of five workshops held each hour over the 3-hour period. The workshops are focused on varied themes, including "*black companies in Japan*", "*comfort women*", *Okinawan indigenous perspectives*, *good citizenship*, *global inequality*, *pornography and human trafficking*, *indigenous rights*, *climate justice*, *Japanese wartime memory* seen through animation, and *women's history in Japan*. Each lasts approximately 50 minutes. They will be facilicated by educators (1), social activists (2) or university students (12).

*12:00 to 2:00:* We will return to Sky Hall for *LUNCH*, which will overlap with the ,
*KEYNOTE PANE*L beginning at *12:30*,

*Shin FURUNO*, Head of *350.org <http://350.org/> Japan*, will present "*Youth Rising for Climate: Divestment*". Next,

*Shinako OYAKAWA*, Okinawan scholar and activist, will speak on "*Indigenous Ryukyuan and the Forgotten *

*History **of Japanese Colonialism*". Finally, author, survivor of sexual assault and photojournalist

*Nobuko OYABU* will introduce: "*Survivor's STAND -- Why it's important to SPEAK OUT*".

*2:00 to 3:00:* In the session after lunch, attendees will choose 1 of 5


*Pedagogy for Social Engagement, Empowerment and change; *

*Climate Change and Japanese Environmental Movements; *

*Communication Technology, Loneliness and Becoming Other; *

*Listening to Minority and Indigenous Groups in Japan; *

*Gender (In) Equality and 'Me, Too' in Japan*.

Although discussions are expected to take place primarily in English, attendees uncomfortable speaking English are encouraged to express themselves in Japanese, facilitated by the many bilingual speakers present. Attendees may want to prepare a comment or question in advance, which may help them to join in the discussion.

*3:00 to 4:30:* After the round-table discussions, we will return to Sky Hall where attendees will be encouraged to move freely among three events occurring simultaneously. In the center of the main hall, social activists and student leaders will be waiting at *LEADERSHIP BOOTHS*, ready to explain to visitors their personal paths to activism as well as the activities of their organizations. Attendees are encouraged to consider joining one or more of the organizations, starting an organization of their own or finding an alternative path to social engagement. This should be a potentially transformative opportunity for many young people thinking about their futures. By visiting *POSTER PRESENTATIONS*, attendees will be able to learn the latest results from students' research. Students will also be presenting their research in the 2 side rooms primarily through fast-paced *PECHAKUCHA PRESENTATIONS*, but also including a *STUDENT FILM*.

*4:30 to 5:00:* All will gather to consider the next steps we want to take, individually and collectively, in order to move from learning and reflecting to acting in the form of direct engagement with social movements

Approved by ssjmod at 12:00 PM