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October 17, 2018
[SSJ: 10408] Postdoc position at Japanese Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
From: Giannoulis, Elena <elena.giannoulis@fu-berlin.de>
Date: 2018/10/16
Dear list members,
I would like to draw your attention to the following job announcement at Freie Universität Berlin/Germany:
Department of History and Cultural Studies / East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies / EMTECH
full-time job limited to 31.07.2022, pay scale grouping 13 TV-L FU reference code: Japanologie/ERC/Giannoulis
Deadline: 29.10.2018
The Department of History and Cultural Studies at Freie Universität Berlin in conjunction with the European Research Council invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Japanese studies in the area of cultural studies, with a focus on the interaction between technology and culture. The candidate will join a European Research Council-funded project titled, "Emotional Machines: The Technological Transformation of Intimacy in Japan", which explores the impact of emerging technologies such as virtual reality, games, vocaloid or affect-sensing machines on social relationships and on the cultural perception of emotions. The project is furthermore investigating how human-human relationships are affected by human-machine interactions and virtual communities. The department welcomes applicants interested in functions and forms of affective bonding to new technologies in a Japanese context.
Job description:
Independent research on functions and forms of affective bonding to
new technologies in Japan
Work with fellow team members toward project goals
Publish in peer-reviewed academic journals, both as a single author
and as part of the research team
Present at academic conferences
Assist with organizing international conferences/workshops
PhD in Japanese studies or related fields (cultural studies, affective sciences, literary studies, game studies, etc.)
Ability to communicate and write proficiently in English
Good Japanese ability
International research experience
Pay scale grouping E13
Use of project equipment, including affect-sensing wearable
technologies and emotion-modeling software
Travel support domestic and international conferences (2-3 per year)
The following documents should be submitted as a single PDF to elena.giannoulis@fu-berlin.de <mailto:elena.giannoulis@fu-berlin.de>
Required documents:
1. Cover letter
2. CV (including contact information for three professional references)
3. Original research proposal in the area of culture-technology interaction and/or affective bonding to new technologies (3-5 pages)
4. One journal or chapter-length writing sample
*Two letters of recommendation will be requested from short-listed candidates
**Name the application file "EMTECHapp" plus your last name in capital letters: "EMTECHappNAME"
All applications quoting the reference code should be addressed no later than October 29th, 2018 to Prof. Dr. Elena Giannoulis: elena.giannoulis@fu-berlin.de <mailto:elena.giannoulis@fu-berlin.de> or postal to
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Ostasien und Vorderer Orient
Frau Prof. Dr. Elena Giannoulis
Hittorfstr. 18
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
Best regards,
Elena Giannoulis
Prof. Dr. Elena Giannoulis
Freie Universität Berlin
Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule
Hittorfstr. 18 - Raum 1.15
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 838 52749
Fax: +49 30 838 4 52749
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