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July 9, 2018

[SSJ: 10303] Announcement of Job Opening: A full-time tenure-track assistant professor in the Research Faculty of International Media and Communication, Hokkaido University

From: Jeffry Joseph Gayman <jeffry.gayman@imc.hokudai.ac.jp>


ResearchFaculty of International Media andCommunication


*Announcement of JobOpening*

ToWhomIt MayConcern:

HokkaidoUniversityispleasedto announcean opening foratenure-track faculty position.Weaskthatyoukindly recommendsuitablecandidates aswellaswidelyshare the following information with colleagues and others whomyoufeel may be interested.

1. Position

Afull-timetenure-trackassistant professorintheResearchFacultyofInternationalMediaandCommunication, HokkaidoUniversity.

2. Duties

(1) Conductingresearchin the ResearchFaculty in theDivision of Multicultural Education.

(2) Teachingand graduatestudentguidanceappropriateto one's specialty in the Division of Multicultural Education, Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University.

(3) TeachingRussianasaforeignlanguagetoundergraduatestudents,aswellasteachingothergeneraleducationsubjects(thesecoursesshouldbeconsideredequivalenttoconventionalforeignlanguagecoursesorothergeneraleducation subjects traditionally taught inJapanese universities).

(4) PerformingotheradministrativeandcommitteedutiesnecessarytothesmoothfunctioningoftheResearch Faculty and Graduate School.

3. Contract Commencement Date (Scheduled)

April 1, 2019

4. Term of Office

The initial term of office is for three years. At the end of the third year, the position may be upgraded to a tenured one, or the term of office may be extended (only once) for another two years dependent on evaluation of the applicant's work achievements.

5. Qualifications

(1) Doctoral degree (or expected obtainment thereof in the immediate future), or possession of equivalent ability

(2) Specialized in one of the following research fields: Studies regarding the various issues of multicultural/multilingual/multiethnic society; studies regarding the various issues of minorities such as Indigenous peoples; gender studies; or, media/culture/language research through a transnational framework. Possession of quality publications in these fields indicative of future growth as a scholar, as well as a positive attitude toward participating in interdisciplinary research projects.

(3) Non-nativeJapanesespeakersmustpossesstheabilitytoconductcoursesinJapaneseaswellas tosmoothly carryout administrative duties inthe Japanese language.

(4) Possession of the ability toconduct lectures at the Graduate School level in English, and to contribute to the English Track Doctoral Program (supervision in English, from the entrance exam level to completion of the Doctoral Degree) is highly desirable.

(5) Theability,characteristicsandattitudetoproactivelycontributetotheinternationalizationoftheResearchFaculty and Graduate School.

(6) Asworkdutiesvarywidely,candidatesofaflexibleandearnestnaturewhowillproactivelyandpositively engage in work-related duties and responsibilities are desired.

6. ApplicationMaterials (should be written in Japanese)

(1) Resume(includeyourdateofbirth,homeorworkaddress,phonenumber,emailaddress,aswell asaphoto)

(2) Listofpublicationsandpresentations,includingmonographs,journalarticles,competitivegrantsobtained, presentations at international conferences, etc.List_separately_thosepublicationsinrefereedjournalsandthosewhichareunrefereedarticlesorconferencepresentations/proceedings.

(3) Atleasttwo,andnomorethan3,main samplesofyourresearch.

(a) Attach an approximately 1000-character summary in Japanese for each.

(b) Candidateswhohavecompletedtheirdoctorate,orarecurrentlyintheprocessofreviewofa completed doctorate, must attach acopy,along with a1000-character summary in Japanese.

(4) Ascanned version of the degree certificate of the highest degree obtained.

(5) Astatement, in approximately2000 Japanese characters, outlining:

(a) yourresearch to date

(b) yourfuture research plans

(c) yourperspective onresearchethics

(6) Astatement,inapproximately1000Japanesecharacters,ofyourpreviousteachingachievements as wellas future teaching aspirations should you be hired byHokkaido University.

(7) Contact details(name,affiliation, title, email address, telephone number) of _two_ references.

*Sent materials willnot beautomaticallyreturned. Those wishing forthe return of their applicationmaterials should include a self-addressed return envelope with the appropriate postage affixed.

*Short-listedcandidates living in Japan will berequestedtocometoSapporoforaninterviewand a mock lecture (domestic airfares will be provided). All other interviews will be conducted by Internet phone such as Skype.

7. ApplicationDeadline

Friday,August 24, 2018 (Materials must be received by5:00 PM,JapanTime)

8. Addressto whichApplication Materials Should be Sent

〒060-0817 札幌市北区北17 条西8丁目


研究院長 山田義裕


*Contact Information: Koh Nagano, Professor, HokkaidoUniversity

Email: *koh@imc.hokudai.ac.jp <mailto:koh@imc.hokudai.ac.jp>*

Pleasetitle the subject line of the email message"研究院教員公募関連", andsend inquiriesonly in Japanese.

Approved by ssjmod at 12:34 PM