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July 5, 2018

[SSJ: 10299] PhD opportunity-Your help please!

From: Naoko Komori <n.komori@sheffield.ac.uk>
Date: 2018/07/05


International Doctoral Programme (IDP) scholarship at the Sheffield University Management School (SUMS) with the University of Kobe, Japan.

This program is a 3-year PhD funded by SUMS which offers an excellent opportunity to carry out research within real-life practices in Japan.

Upon graduation, students will be awarded PhDs from the University of Sheffield and Kobe University.

*Overarching Theme: Glocalisation and Translation: the Experiences of Japan*

*Title: Project Management (ie. Towards Resilient Cities)***or *Innovating for Sustainable Agriculture: Learning from Japanese methodology*

*Partner University:*Kobe University, Graduate School od Business Administration

*Start date:* October 2018

*URL (the detail information on this scholarship to this mail): *

https://www.findaphd.com/search/programmedetails.aspx?PGID=3989 <https://www.findaphd.com/search/programmedetails.aspx?PGID=3989>
https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BKO045/fully-funded-international-doctoral-programme-with-kobe-university-japan/ <https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BKO045/fully-funded-international-doctoral-programme-with-kobe-university-japan/>

This interdisciplinary program is a3-year PhD funded by SUMS which offers an excellent opportunity to carry out research within real-life practices in Japan.

Upon graduation, students will be awarded PhDs from the University of Sheffield and Kobe University.

<Glocalisation and Translation: The Experiences of Japan>

While globalisation has led to an economic and industrial homogenization, Japan continues to maintain resilience to manufacturing business, partly because of its challenges to these ubiquitous dynamics and its approach to glocalisation. However, such glocalised management practices have not been sufficiently translated beyond Japan. This studentship will explore the ways in which norms, value systems and codes of conduct in Japan have shaped the practices, while examining how their organisational knowledge can be translated and applied in different socio-cultural contexts. Potential topics might include, but not limited to, for example:

1. (Mega)project Management* *(ie. Making 'Cities; Towards Resilient Cities')*/

Japan has had a number of Public-Private partnership based major projects or 'megaprojects', including those aiming at re-creating resilient urban cities and ongoing Smart City projects; however little has been known regarding how (mega)projects are planned, managed and delivered. We welcome proposal exploring this management process and how the issue of risk, cost, innovation, and sustainability have been dealt with in its social context in Japan. The study also examines the research methods and practices used to translate glocalised management practices and organizational knowledge.

This project underpins its objective to explore of the theoretical and practical interdisciplinary challenges faced by industry in integrated business and society.

This project will be supervised by Dr Chantal C. Cantarelli and Dr Andrew Brint in Emerging Technology Supply Chain Research Centre <https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/lscm> and Dr Naoko Komori in the Centre for Research into Accounting and Finance in Context <https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/crafic>



2. Innovating for Sustainable Agriculture: Learning from Japanese methodology

While the innovative nature of Japanese management practices is well-known in the corporate sector (e.g. JIT, Total Quality Management, Lean Production), little is known how these are translated in the agriculture sector and how they shape farming practices and sustainable food supply chains. The country has some innovative philosophers who has inspired the global movement to natural farming. We will welcome proposals that aim to explore how these philosophies are

emerged and constructed the nature of Japanese agricultural practices, how these are changing under the influence of globalization, while helping achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The deadline for applications is July 13th 2018. Interviews will take place in the w/c Aug 6th. For any information, please contact:

Naoko Komori

<n.komori@sheffield.ac.uk <mailto:n.komori@sheffield.ac.uk>>

Thank you very much.

Best Wishes



Dr Naoko Komori

SUMS-Kobe(Japan) partnership & research project coordinator
Lecturer in Accountability and Innovation

Interested in innovative research projects?
Take a look at: http://www.emits.group.shef.ac.uk/blog/?tag=komori <http://www.emits.group.shef.ac.uk/blog/?tag=komori>

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University of Sheffield

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