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July 3, 2018

[SSJ: 10294] Reminder Japan's sanctions on Russia 6 July 2018 brown bag lunch Temple University Japan

From: Robert Dujarric (TUJ) <dujarric@tuj.temple.edu <mailto:dujarric@tuj.temple.edu>>
Date: 2018/07/03

Temple University Japan. (6 July 2018. 12:00-13:20)

Mita Hall 5th Floor Room 504 (NOT main building, see address/maps) 4-1-27

Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073https://www.tuj.ac.jp/maps/tokyo.html <https://www.tuj.ac.jp/maps/tokyo.html>

(東京都港区三田4-1-2) RSVPdujarric@tuj.temple.edu <mailto:dujarric@tuj.temple.edu>). Open to the public.

Brownbag lunch 6 July 2018 (12:00-13:20)MariaShagina:

Japan's sanctions on Russia, implications for US/EU sanctions solidarity.

Showing solidarity with G7 countries, Japan imposed sanctions on Russia,

albeit reluctantly. The Ukraine crisis occurred amid Japan's efforts to

reinvigorate Japan-Russia relations in the hope of solving the

longstanding territorial dispute and to respond to China's rising power

in the region. Maintaining Japan's balance between G7 countries and

Russia became one of the main challenges for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

While Japan felt obliged to support the international community and to

impose sanctions, the geopolitical dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region

forced it to take a conciliatory approach to Russia. This delicate

balance resulted in Japan's symbolic sanctions and in different

narratives promoted at home and in the West. As international pressure

against Russia rises, Japan will find it more difficult to maintain its

delicate balance between the G7, Russia, and Ukraine.

Looking beyond the effectiveness of sanctions, the presentation will

analyse Japan's sanctions in a context of G7/G20 countries. The talk

will address the questions: What are the loopholes between Japan's and

other G20 countries' sanctions regimes such as Canada, Australia, and

New Zealand? What are the signaling messages of Japan's sanctions? What

is Ukraine's reaction towards Japan's measures? Finally, the talk will

examine the implications for US' and EU´s sanctions solidarity.

Speaker:MariaShagina is a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Ritsumeikan

University, where she focuses on sanctions and energy relations in

post-Soviet countries. She is also political risk analyst at

London-based Global Risk Insights and member of the Geneva International

Sanctions Network. She previously was a visiting fellow at the Centre

for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies, University of Birmingham.

She holds a PhD degree from the University of Lucerne and University of

Zurich. She will be speaking in her private capacity, not on behalf of

the organisations she is affiliated with.


Robert Dujarric Temple University, Japan Campus

dujarric@tuj.temple.edu <mailto:dujarric@tuj.temple.edu>

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