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June 5, 2018
[SSJ: 10233] Upcoming Abe Colloquium: "In Search of the Good Life" with Brigid Schulte, June 13th, 2018
From: SSRC Tokyo Office <ssrcABE@gol.com>
Date: 2018/05/31
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
The SSRC Abe Fellowship Tokyo Office is pleased to announce our upcoming Abe Colloquium "In Search of The Good Life ," at the Japan Foundation, Wednesday June 13th, from 6 pm to 8pm. Speaker Brigid Schulte, Director of the Better Life Lab at New America and 2017 Abe Journalism Fellow, will discuss her investigation into overwork in Japan and U.S., its causes, consequences, and prospects for change. For your convenience, a detailed outline of the event in Japanese and English is provided below.
To register, please contact our staff at ssrcABE@gol.com with your name, affiliation, telephone number, and email.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.
Social Science Research Council
Abe Fellowship Program Tokyo Office
Tak Ozaki
Caitlin Adkins
*In Search of The Good Life *
*Speaker: ***
Brigid Schulte ブリジッド・シュルト
Director, Better Life Lab at New America
Abe Journalism Fellow (2017)
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018, from 6 pm to 8 pm
*Where: *
Sakura Hall 2^nd Floor, Japan Foundation, 4-4-1 Yotsuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo
*Notes: *
Presentation will be in English. Simultaneous Japanese interpretation will be provided. Admission is free.
*In Search of The Good Life*
The Harvard psychologist Erik Erikson said the richest and fullest lives make time for the three great arenas of life: work, love and play. Yet in the United States and Japan, a long work hours culture and the demands of a tech-connected 24/7 global economy are making people sick, sometimes to the point of death. Women, despite increasing education and participation in the labor market, are still expected to be the primary caregivers, leading to lives of time pressure and overwhelm. The absence of family supportive policy in the case of the United States, or policy in name only in Japan heightens work-life tensions. And in both countries, there is a strong notion that leisure is an unproductive waste of time. So what does the Good Life look like? And how do we get from here to there? Journalist and author Brigid Schulte talks about her work to better understand the root causes of work-life conflict, and the work of the Better Life Lab at New America to solve it.
_Biographical Information __講師略歴_
Brigid Schulte is a journalist, think tank director and author of the New York Times bestselling book on time pressure, gender and modern life, Overwhelmed: Work, Love & Play when No One has the Time, which named one of the notable books of the year by the Washington Post and NPR, and won the Virginia Library Association's literary nonfiction award. She was an award-winning journalist for The Washington Post and The Washington Post Magazine for nearly17 years and was part of the team that won the 2008 Pulitzer Prize. She now serves as the director of the Better Life Lab, the work-life, gender equality and social policy program at New America, a nonpartisan think tank. The Better Life Lab uses data, storytelling, practical solutions and policy analysis to highlight how redesigning work, work-life enrichment, gender equity and well-designed family policies are keys to excellence, productivity and innovation, as well as full, authentic and meaningful lives for everyone. She hosts the forthcoming Better Life Lab podcast on Slate's Panoply network. Visit her website (www.brigidschulte.com <http://www.brigidschulte.com>) for resources and sign up for her occasional newsletter on the art and science of The Good Life. And follow her on twitter @BrigidSchulte
*ブリジッド・シュルト:*17年間ワシントンポストに勤めたジャーナリスト、2008年ピューリツァー賞を受けたチームに属していた。2015年にニューヨークタイムズベストセラーとなった「Overwhelmed: Work, Love & Play when No One has the Time」を出版、バージニア図書協会ノンフィクション賞受賞。現在、非党派系シンクタンクであるニューアメリカ財団におけるジェンダー平等と社会政策プログラム「ベターライフ研究所」ディレクター。同研究所はデータやストーリーテリング、政策分析を通じて、働き方の見直し、ワーク・ライフバランス、ジェンダー平等政策、および充実した家族政策が、いかに、優秀さ、生産性やイノベーションへ、また有意義で満足できる生活へとつながる鍵となるかを研究し公表している。シュルト氏によるベターライフ研究所からの最新ニュースはツイッター@BrigidSchulte かウェブサイト(www.brigidschulte.com <http://www.brigidschulte.com>)は掲載中。
/*This event is jointly sponsored by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Tokyo Office and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP)/. この催しは米国社会科学研究評議会(SSRC)東京事務所と国際交流基金日米センター(CGP)が共催しています。
Tel: 03-5369-6085
ssrcABE@gol.com <mailto:ssrcABE@gol.com>
www.abefellowship.info <http://www.abefellowship.info/>
www.ssrc.org <http://www.ssrc.org/>
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