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May 31, 2018

[SSJ: 10222] [TUJ ICAS Event] From the Women's March to #WeToo and Beyond

From: ICAS <icas@tuj.temple.edu>
Date: 2018/05/29

Dear SSJ community,

Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS) at Temple University, Japan Campus cordially invites you to the event "From the Women's March to #WeToo and Beyond" on June 19. ICAS events are open to the public and admission free unless otherwise stated.


From the Women's March to #WeToo and Beyond


窶汽ate: Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:00 p.m.)

Venue: Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ)

Azabu Hall 1F Parliament

(access: http://www.tuj.ac.jp/maps/tokyo.html)



Sarajean Rossitto, Nonprofit NGO consultant, lecturer in the
Continuing Education Program at TUJ


Sachi Nakajima, Founding Director, Resilience

RSVP:icas@tuj.temple.edu <mailto:RSVP%3Aicas@tuj.temple.edu>

* RSVP is not required, but encouraged.


The last two years has brought media attention to deeply rooted concerns about diversity, harassment and gender-based violence and discrimination. Given the sensationalist manner of the some of the coverage, it might be easy to forget that women's activism has a long history, it is not just about celebrities, and that real people's lives are affected every day by gender based expectations, bias and violence. It is these experiences that have brought women together across the globe to shout #MeToo and enough with #EverydaySexism.

In this event Sarajean Rossitto and Sachi Nakamjima will put a face on the Women's March and #WeToo social movements, and women's rights and gender equality in Japan and beyond.

Sarajean Rossitto will talk about the current movement's connection to the past, and everyday gender bias. She will share observations from her experience in the Take Back the Night Movement, women's march and the developments in the past few years. Sarajean will also introduce starting points for anyone interested in getting involved.

Sachi Nakajima will introduce what has been happening here in Japan in the movement to end violence against women and sexual abuse. As a women's rights advocate, whose work transcends countries and addresses a wide range of issues related to gender equity, Ms. Nakajima will discuss how to help make the community or workplace a safe place for all people.


*Sarajean Rossitto* is a Tokyo-based consultant and has worked with nonprofit NGOs in Japan for more than 20 years. She conducts skills based trainings for organizations such as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Fundraising Association and taught university classes on the development of civil society, NGO management, the and international development issues. She worked for more than three years as the US-based Give2Asia Foundation's Tohoku Recovery Fund Adviser and has also helped corporations develop effective community engagement, CSR and philanthropy programs. Before 2005, when she began working as an independent consultant, Sarajean spent four years coordinating the bilateral exchange of nonprofit professionals between the US and Japan for Japan-US Community Education & Exchange (JUCEE).

She holds a Columbia University Masters of International Affairs degree with a concentration in human rights in East Asia and an undergraduate degree from The State University of New York (SUNY) in Sociology.


*Sachi Nakajima* has been active in this work since 2003. She brings a background in law (Juris Doctor, 1991, Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College) and social work (Master of Social Work, 2003, Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work) to her work at Resilience, an organization she created and directs to support people who have experienced abuse or violence in their lives. Sachi does about 100+ trainings, workshops and presentations each year throughout Japan and is looking to expand the work Resilience does to also develop more trainers.

Resilience is a non-profit organization supporting women in healing and regaining their lives after an abusive relationship. Presentations and trainings are offered to promote understanding of abusive violence issues and its traumatic effects, to provide direct support to women who have been victimized by offering our Women's Program, and to offer a Facilitator Training Program to enable them to start their own Women's Program in their communities.


http://resilience.jp/ (Japanese) | E-mail: info@resilience.jp <mailto:info@resilience.jp>www.tuj.ac.jp/icas <http://www.tuj.ac.jp/icas>


Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies

Temple University, Japan Campus

www.tuj.ac.jp/icas <http://www.tuj.ac.jp/icas>

www.facebook.com/tuj.icas <http://www.facebook.com/tuj.icas>

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