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May 30, 2018

[SSJ: 10220] Lecture announcement: Accessible Japan - Tourism for All

From: S P F Dale <sonjadale@gmail.com>
Date: 2018/05/28

Hitotsubashi University Japanese Studies in English Lecture Series 2018

Theme: Diverse Lives

"Accessible Japan - Tourism for All"
Speaker: Josh Grisdale (Accessible Japan)

Date: June 8 2018 (Friday)

Time: 15:30-17:00

Venue: Faculty Building 3 (level 3), East campus, Hitotsubashi University

English:http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/glp/posts/2018-05-20180608lecture.html <http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/en/info/index.cgi?id=499>

Japanese: http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/glp/ja/posts/2018-05-20180608lecture.html <http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/info/pub/index.cgi?id=498>

Many people living outside of Japan have an image of Japan as being inaccessible to people with disabilities. However, Japan is becoming more and more accessible - even surpassing many countries thought of as benchmarks of accessibility. Unfortunately, the accessibility of Japan remains obscured by lack of information in languages other than Japanese. Many tourist locations only have accessibility information on their Japanese websites and hotels don't often actively promote their accessible rooms in English. Those with disabilities who are interested in traveling to Japan are often left with more questions than answers.

Are travelers with disabilities missing out?

94% of people with access needs will try to find out accessibility information about a place they have never been before they visit. If they can't find the information they need, 54% will go somewhere else or give up. Globally this market represents 1.3 billion disabled people and when you add their friends, family and carers this takes it up to 3 billion people. This represents a market worth a staggering $8 trillion of disposable income.

Is Japan's travel industry missing out?

Josh Grisdale was born in Toronto, Canada but grew up on a small farm in the country. Though his cerebral palsy brought many challenges, her refused to give up on his dream of visiting Japan. But after one visit, he was hooked. He moved to Japan permanently in 2007 and gained Japanese citizenship in 2016. He works as a webmaster for a medium-sized company in Tokyo, but in his spare time he travels around Japan to share about the accessibility of tourist spots and encourages people to visit the country he loves - regardless of ability.

Accessible Japan website: https://www.accessible-japan.com/

Language: English (no translation)

Attendance is free, and all are welcome to attend. No registration necessary. There will be a free coffee reception after the event which all are welcome to attend.


Sonja Pei-Fen DALE
Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Adjunct Assistant Professor
sonjadale@gmail.com <mailto:sonjadale@gmail.com> / sonja.dale@r.hit-u.ac.jp <mailto:sonja.dale@r.hit-u.ac.jp> /
Tel: (81) 42-580-8940

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