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December 8, 2017
[SSJ: 10050] Message for POSTING on SSJJ
From: Tiberghien, Yves
Date: 2017/12/08
Dear SSJJ Colleagues:
For the sake of continuing the dialogue and exchange on the SSJJ group around last month’s Election, here is my analysis with a summary of facts, causes, and possible implications:
(and if you wish to see a parallel political economy analysis of the 19th Party Congress from last month in China, here is the companion piece:
https://china-research-partnership.ca/blog/reactions-outcomes-19th-national-congress-communist-party-china )
Separately, I would like to sign all to the IPE / Political Economy types on the SSJJ list that Japan will be at the center of debates on global economic and environmental governance in 2019 by the virtue of its chairing the g20. I am currently connecting with the various ministerial point persons. But it would be great for some of us to prepare quality events at the frontier of Japanese politics and global political economy / global climate politics for 2019.
アジア研究所 名誉院長
政治学科 准教授
イブ テイベルギアン
Yves Tiberghien
Director Emeritus, Institute of Asian Research
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Senior Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Senior Fellow, Global Summitry Project, Munk School, University of Toronto
Twitter: @Yves_Global
Email: yves.tiberghien@ubc.ca
Analysis of 2017 Japanese Election: https://www.asiapacific.ca/canada-asia-agenda/neither-populism-nor-drift-japans-october-2017-election
東京大学 公共政策大学院 特任准教授
Project Associate Professor, Tokyo University, Graduate School of Public Policy: http://www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/faculty/professors/YvesTiberghien.htm
Senior Fellow, Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada (APFC)
Senior Fellow, Global Summitry Project, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto: http://www.globalsummitryproject.com
Approved by ssjmod at 01:44 PM