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July 27, 2017

[SSJ: 9884] Sabbatical announcement

From: Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni
Date: 2017/07/27

Dear Colleagues,

I am an anthropologist specializing in contemporary Japanese society and culture, with a focus on gender and the Japanese family. Since the publication of my recent book that focused mainly on housewives in Japan (2012, 2015), I have been engaged in a research that relates more generally to the Japanese family. In recent years I have been studying new fatherhood (ikumen).
I am planning to spend about 2 months in Tokyo this coming autumn (from October to early December) as part of my sabbatical from Tel Aviv University. During this visit I plan to begin searching more thoroughly into the field of Work-Life-Balance or the relationship between "company" and "family" in contemporary Japan.

I would be happy to hear and collaborate with scholars located in Japan.

My family (husband and two grown-up boys) would join me for a few weeks or so.
I am looking for a nice place to stay in a good location in Tokyo. I would be very grateful to hear from any of you who may know of a good place, or wishes to rent, sub-let her or his apartment

Please contact me directly at ofrag@tauex.tau.ac.il

Best Regards,


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