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September 16, 2016

[SSJ: 9517] Contemporary Japan 28(2) now online

From: Marga Dinkel
Date: 2016/09/16

We are happy to announce that the latest issue of Contemporary Japan

is now online. It is an open issue edited by Steffen Heinrich and Tobias Söldner.

All articles are available open access at
​ http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cj.2016.28.issue-2/issue-files/cj.2016.28.issue-2.xml ​

Contemporary Japan 28(2)

Enhancing autonomy in reproductive decisions? Education about family planning and fertility as a
countermeasure against the low birthrate
Isabel Fassbender

In praise of iron grandeur: the sensibility of kōjō moe and the reinvention of urban technoscape

Ikuho Amano

Children with disabilities in the Japanese school system: a path toward social integration?
Anne-Lise Mithout
​ http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cj.2016.28.issue-2/cj-2016-0009/cj-2016-0009.xml?format=INT ​

Reviving tradition in disaster-affected communities: adaptation and continuity in the kagura of
Ogatsu, Miyagi Prefecture
Florence Lahournat
​ http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cj.2016.28.issue-2/cj-2016-0010/cj-2016-0010.xml?format=INT ​

Reforming Japanese-style management: destabilizing hegemony through discourse intervention
Rear, David
​ http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cj.2016.28.issue-2/cj-2016-0011/cj-2016-0011.xml?format=INT ​

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