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April 1, 2016

[SSJ: 9331] Contemporary Japan 29(2): Call for Papers

From: Marga Dinkel
Date: 2016/04/01

We are currently preparing a special issue on the topic of “Cultural representations of identity in
and of the Japanese diaspora”Guest editor for this issue is Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of
Vienna. Living in one space and dreaming of another is at the heart of thediaspora, its essence and
fragility alike. Contrary to the nation-state, in the diaspora identity predates space, while there-
creation of space is essential for the production and reproduction of diasporic identity. A rich
amount of scholarship has demonstratedhow diasporic communities do not attach their sense of
belonging to a territory and realm of state power, but rather to the shared myths andimaginations of
places of origin, wandering and other reference points from the past. How diasporic identities
emerge and how they aremaintained across national boundaries and against pressures of assimilation
has been thoroughly discussed by social scientists overthe past twenty years. As more and more
disciplines acknowledged the heuristic value of the diaspora concept as a key metaphor forlate-
modern identity politics in a complex and complicated world void of certainties, but rich of
possibilities, diaspora became ‘a globalword that fits a global world’ (Dufoix 2008).

This special issue on cultural representations of identity in and of the Japanese diaspora looks at
the various ways in which ideas,objects and habituations are mobilized to negotiate the identity of
overseas communities of Japanese ancestry that are frequently labelledas Nikkei. The journal editor
invites empirical and theoretical papers that explore strategies and techniques of cultural
representationapplied by Nikkei communities to present and represent coherent ideas of who they are
and how they want to be seen by others. What are themessages that cultural representations convey to
members of overseas settlements, among Nikkei communities, and towards host societies andthe
homeland, imagined or real? How do Nikkei communities draft and mobilize ethnicity and citizenship
claims as strategic resources tosecure their members` individual and collective life chances and
political rights? How do they write their own history? How aretraditions crafted and recreated away
and apart from their original functions and meaning? And more specific in the context of
today'sJapanese diasporas, how are their representational strategies impacted by patterns of return
migration, circular migration and transmigration?

We invite papers focusing on but not limited to the following topics:
• language and education
• cultural heritage
• chronicles, historical accounts and museum displays
• monuments, paintings and visual arts
• dance, theatre and performative arts
• sports and physical culture
• festivities and ritual practice
• food culture

Contributions should not exceed 8000 words, including references and appendices. For details see our
submission guidelines at www.contemporary-japan.org. For inquiries and submission please contact
Wolfram Manzenreiter ( wolfram.manzenreiter@univie.ac.at ).

Submission deadline: 31 October 2016; Publication: Spring 2017

Contemporary Japan publishes original research that relates to present-day Japan and its recent
historical development. Manuscripts which cross disciplinary boundaries and raise issues beyond the
case of Japan are welcome. Submissions are peer-reviewed in a double-blind process by established
scholars in the respective field. Contemporary Japan maintains a professional and fast review
process that guarantees timely publication of accepted manuscripts, including online first.
NEW: From 2017 Contemporary Japan will be published with Routledge (Taylor & Francis).

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