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March 23, 2016
[SSJ: 9323] Contemporary Japan 28(1) now online
From: Marga Dinkel
Date: 2016/03/23
We are happy to announce that the latest issue of Contemporary Japan is now online.
It is a special issue edited by Iza Kavedžija on the topic of Ethnographies of Hope in Contemporary
All articles are available open access at http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cj.2016.28.issue-1/issue-files/cj.2016.28.issue-1.xml
Contemporary Japan 28(1)
Iza Kavedžija
Introduction: reorienting hopes
Jason Danely
Hope in an ageing Japan: transience and transcendence
Brett Hack
Subculture as social knowledge: a hopeful reading of otaku culture
Scott North & Rika Morioka
Hope found in lives lost: karoshi and the pursuit of worker rights in Japan
Ieva Puzo
Hope amidst uncertainty: foreign scientists in contemporary Japan
Stephen Robertson
Hope that sustains: revisiting New Year’s divination at Suwa Taisha
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