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December 25, 2015

Winter Holiday Break

From: SSJ-Forum
Date: 2015/12/25

Greetings from Hongo. On behalf of Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, we would like to thank you for participating in the SSJ-Forum this year. We trust that you have found enough of the messages interesting to make subscribing worthwhile, and hope that you will continue to read and respond to SSJ-Forum posts in 2016.

As the winter solstice has passed, we are soon having a holiday break from December 29th to January 3rd, so the SSJ-Forum will shut down during the period. Postings that are sent to the forum during the break will be sent out on January 4th.

Please note that there is an on-line archive of all posts at the SSJ-Forum website ( http://ssj.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp ). As well as quick links to the most recent posts sent to the Forum, there are three ways to search the archives: by message author, by date, and by keyword.

We hope all of you will have a wonderful holiday season and a very happy and healthy new year.

Best wishes,
SSJ Forum

Approved by ssjmod at 07:30 PM