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December 3, 2015
[SSJ: 9202] International Seminar of IPSS
From: Reiko Hayashi
Date: 2015/12/03
Dear all
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS)
is pleased to present the following two events;
- IPSS Annual Seminar on 15th Dec.2015
"Challenging Issues over Regional Depopulation and Social Security in Japan"
with the detailed information copied below
- Foregin Scholar Lecture Series on 16th Dec.2015
"The challenges of depopulation for development" by Prof.Laszlo J.
Kulcsar (Kansas State University)
with the detailed information at;
If you are interested, please register at international@ipss.go.jp and join us!
IPSS Annual Seminars
Challenging Issues over Regional Depopulation and Social Security in Japan
- Social Security System for a Sustainable Society in the Era of
Population Decline -
Tuesday December 15th, 2015 13:30 – 16:50
Venue : Yayoi Auditorium, Ichijo Hall, The University of Tokyo
13:30-13:35 Opening of the Seminar
13:35-14:00 Keynote Speech Prof. Akira MORITA, Director General of IPSS
Session I. Introduction of the IPSS work: Studying Regional Population
and Supporting Local Governments
14:00-14:10 (1) IPSS’s work on regional population studies.
Dr. Shiro KOIKE, Senior Researcher, Department of Population
Structure Research, IPSS
14:10-14:25 (2) IPSS’s work on local government support and field work research
Dr. Masahiro KAWAGOE, Director, Department of
Theoretical Social Security Research, IPSS
14:25-14:40 (3) Introducing Tools for Supporting Local Governments
Session II. Local and global perspectives
14:40-14:55 (1) Economy: Stimulating Local Economy
Dr. Hiroshi FUJIYAMA, Research Director,
Mountainous Region Research Center
14:55-15:10 (2) Life: Residence of Elderly in Depopulating Areas and Urban Areas
Dr. Mariko SONODA, Professor, Meiji University
15:10-15:35 (3) International perspective: Depopulation in the United
States and Europe in Comparison to the Japanese Situation
Dr. Laszlo J. KULCSAR, Professor, Kansas State University
15:50-16:45 Panel Discussion
16:45-16:50 Closing
English –Japanese Simultaneous translation is provided.
If you wish to attend, please register with your name, affiliation and
your email at
Reiko Hayashi, Ph.D.
Department of International Research and Cooperation
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS)
Hibiya Kokusai Building 6th Floor
2-2-3 Uchisaiwaicyo, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011
Tel: +81-(0)3-3595-2984 ext.4420 fax : +81-(0)3-3591-4821
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