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July 7, 2015

[SSJ: 9021] R workshop, 10 July

From: Jonathan Lewis
Date: 2015/07/07

This coming Friday afternoon we will be holding an introductory workshop for R, the open source statistical package which seems to have become the statistical tool of choice for political scientists and others in the social sciences. R has a reputation for being more difficult to use than the commercial stats packages, but this workshop is designed to get new R users to the stage where they can analyze their own data.

We have a few places left so if you would like to join us please contact me as soon as possible. Most of the registered participants are Masters and PhD students at Hitotsubashi and Waseda but all are welcome regardless of age or status. However the working language of the workshop is Japanese and we have a lot to cover, so please don't come expecting everything to be translated into English.

The workshop is being led by Rentaro Iida, a Georgetown-trained political scientist working at the University of Tokyo.

If you are bringing your own computer please install R and RStudio before you come. The apps run on Windows and MacOS.
R: http://cran.r-project.org/

We are also able to lend you a computer for the workshop if required - please let me know in advance.

The workshop aims to cover:

(1) Basic concepts of R.
(2) Importing and pre-processing data.
(3) Descriptive statistics and basic graphics.
(4) Linear regression and logistic regression.
(5) Visualizing results.
(6) Automating repeated processes.

Time/date: Friday 10 July 2015, 12:55-16:10 (but may run longer depending on how quickly we cover the
Venue: Room 3405, 4th floor, Mercury Tower, Kunitachi Campus, Hitotsubashi University.
See this map:

This workshop is sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Global Issues, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University.

If you would like to participate please email jonathan_lewis@mac.com.

Hope to see you there,

Jonathan Lewis
Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University.

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