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November 28, 2014

[SSJ: 8768] School of East Asian Studies research student scholarships 2015

From: Katherine Gallagher
Date: 2014/11/28

Dear all,

The School of East Asian Studies (SEAS) at The University of Sheffield would like to invite applications for postgraduate scholarships for 2015/16 entry starting from October 2015.
SEAS offers single country supervision on China, Japan and Korea as well as transnational processes and linkages.
Applications covering
both social science and humanities topics are welcome.

Please see our webpages for details:


The deadline for applications is 12pm on Tuesday 3 February 2015.
Late applications will not be accepted.

To enquire whether your research topic fits our areas of study please send your CV and proposal to k.gallagher@sheffield.ac.uk

Best wishes,

Dr Lily Chen
Postgraduate Admissions Tutor
Katherine Gallagher
Exams Secretary
Postgraduate Admissions Co-ordinator
Ethics Administrator
School of East Asian Studies
The University of Sheffield
6-8 Shearwood Road
S10 2TD
Email: k.gallagher@sheffield.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 8423 (Internal ext. 28423)
Fax: +44 (0)114 222 8432

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