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May 3, 2014

[SSJ: 8533] Call for Abstract Submission: JSA-ASEAN 2014 in Bangkok

From: Kitti Prasirtsuk
Date: 2014/05/03

Dear friends,

JSA-ASEAN 2014: State and Non-state Actors in Japan-ASEAN Relations and Beyond

The 4th JSA-ASEAN International Conference will be organized by the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), Thammasat University, under the plenary theme "State and Non-state Actors in Japan-ASEAN Relations and Beyond". During the 40 years of relationship between Japan and ASEAN, the roles of states have been crucial in economic and social development. In the past decades, the relationship between Japan and ASEAN goes beyond the role of state. Roles of non-state are, for example, the roles of private sectors, such as Japanese FDI, in the process of trade and investment integration have been increasingly important to the ASEAN members, roles of NGOs in social and political activities, natural disaster management, and other educational and cultural exchange programs. Therefore, the key theme of this conference "State and Non-state Actors in Japan-ASEAN Relations and Beyond", will be addressed in the plenary session, featuring a prominent keynote speaker and panelists. The topics of panels and papers presented at this conference, by no mean, need to be confined to the plenary theme. All other topics related to Japan is welcome.

Please find more information in

Deadline for abstract submission is 31 May 2014.

I would appreciate if you could also circulate this to your colleagues and grad students.

Kitti Prasirtsuk, Ph.D.
Institute of East Asian Studies
Thammasat University

ASEAN Watch Project, Thailand Research Fund (TRF)

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