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April 8, 2014
[SSJ: 8498] Re: Female Labor Force Participation Rate
From: Smitka, Mike
Date: 2014/04/08
You can find data at www.stat.go.jp in the various LF stats, for example http://www.stat.go.jp/data/roudou/index.htm. It may however be the end-of-year one that contains detailed data (the Feb issue?).
I have a spreadsheet with "M" graphs and so on, I'll email that to Earl. If anyone else wants it, email me.
I calculated the rate for age 20-64 and got 73%. By age the peak rate in 2013 was 79.0% at age 25-29, and was 73-76% at ages 40-59. In recent years the rate for age
20-24 has been falling as more women pursue education; it used to be the age bracket with the highest participation rate. The "M" has muted bit by bit, there is still a dropoff but participation is 17 percentage points higher for the age 30-34 bracket than in the early 1990s (was 52-53% now 70%).
mike smitka msmitka /@/ wlu.edu
> A just published article on women and work in the
Japan Times contains
> the following paragraph.
> Japan's female labor participation rate is 73
percent, according to a
> report last year by Kathy Matsui, Goldman Sachs Group
Inc.'s chief
> Japan strategist and the author of reports on
"Womenomics" that have
> been cited by Abe. That compares with a high of 96
percent in Finland,
> and 85 percent in the United States, according to
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