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January 20, 2014

[SSJ: 8419] Human Trafficking talk at Hitotsubashi

From: Jonathan Lewis
Date: 2014/01/20

Institute for the Study of Global Issues Graduate School of Social Science Hitotsubashi University

"Human Trafficking: Constructing Problems, Inventing Solutions"

Petrice Flowers
(Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hawai'i at Manoa; currently Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Global Issues, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi

Wednesday, 22 January 2014 14:30

Room 3405, 4th Floor, Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi University Kunitachi Campus For maps and directions

The Trafficking Protocol offers a broad definition of human trafficking that includes, but is not limited to women trafficked into the sex trade. Despite this broad definition, Japan's 2004 Action Plan to address human trafficking narrowly defined the problem as foreign women forced into prostitution. This talk will explore the connection between how the construction of issues as international problems determines a limited set of options for addressing the problems domestically. I argue that the definition of the problem in the international discursive environment has contributed to the limited the response to the problem in Japan.

For more information about Dr. Flowers' research see:


Contact: Jonathan Lewis

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