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December 15, 2013
[SSJ: 8378] MA/PhD funding at Manchester University
From: Peter Cave
Date: 2013/12/15
Apologies for cross-posting. I would like to draw the attention of list members to MA/PhD funding opportunities in East Asian Studies at Manchester University.
The subject area of East Asian Studies at The University of Manchester is pleased to invite applications for PhD studentships. We welcome applications from outstanding candidates for 2014・5
entry in the following areas of PhD research:
Chinese Studies
Japanese Studies
East Asian Studies
General information about the PhD programme in East Asian Studies and research interests is available from:
For how to apply to the PhD programme online, see:
The following funding competitions are now open:
1. AHRC North West Consortium funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK): full fees and maintenance (eligibility rules apply - students who can be considered 'UK students' are eligible for funding of fees and maintenance, non-UK EU students for funding of fees only - successful candidates may be awarded a maintenance bursary by the university).
Application Form and Guidance:
For more information on the NWC DTP please visit www.nwcdtp.ac.uk
Deadline for programme applications: 31 JANUARY 2014.
Deadline for funding applications 21 FEBRUARY 2014.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by 14 April 2014.
2. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Open to research in the above subjects using a social science methodology, broadly conceived. Full fees and maintenance (eligibility rules apply as for 1).
Application Form and Guidance:
For the ESRC consortium of which The University of Manchester University is part, see http://www.nwdtc.ac.
Deadline for programme applications 17 JANUARY 2014 Deadline for funding applications 3 FEBRUARY 2014 Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of March 2014.
3 President's Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Competition.
Students are eligible regardless of nationality and residence. Full fees and maintenance.
Application form and Guidance:
Deadline for programme applications 31 JANUARY 2014.
Deadline for funding applications 21 FEBRUARY 2014
4. School awards for PhD students. Students are eligible regardless of nationality and residence. These awards will be full for fees plus c. GBP 6,500 maintenance; or for fees only.
For details (some still to be confirmed), see:
Deadline for funding applications: 21 FEBRUARY 2014
5. Like other Japanese Studies departments at UK universities, we will be able to put names forward for new MA/PhD studentships to be offered by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation from 2014-15 onwards. 30 studentships of GBP 10,000 annually are expected to be available each year, and universities will apply on behalf of excellent students accepted on to their programmes in spring 2014. Students will be eligible regardless of nationality and residence. Further details will be available in due course.
Prospective applicants are strongly advised to contact their preferred doctoral supervisor before applying, to discuss their applications. Details of the academic staff are here:
Chinese Studies:
Dagmar Schaefer:
William Schroeder III:
James St. Andre
Japanese Studies:
Erica Baffelli:
Peter Cave: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/peter.
Aya Homei:
Sharon Kinsella:
rsonaldetails and http://www.kinsellaresearch.com/
Peter Cave
Lecturer in Japanese Studies
SALC, University of Manchester
Samuel Alexander Building
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 3195
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