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October 10, 2013

[SSJ: 8309] EAJS Conference 2014

From: Paul O'Shea
Date: 2013/10/10

14th EAJS International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Politics and International Relations (Section 9)


Ian Neary, Oxford University, UK & Paul O'Shea, Lund University, Sweden

Theme: Forward Towards the Past? The Domestic and International Implications of the Return of the LDP

Paper proposals are invited for the forthcoming conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies 2014 to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The politics and international relations section proposes to focus at the forthcoming conference on the recent political developments in Japan and their domestic and international implications. Specifically we welcome papers dealing with topics such as constitutional reform, Japan's 'shift to the right', 21st century trends in voting behaviour and party politics, the period of DPJ rule, 'Abenomics', and Japan's deteriorating regional relations.

We also welcome papers dealing with a broader set of related themes, including political transition, regional security, identity politics and the impact of the ongoing global economic downturn.

We are particularly interested in panel proposals, but also strongly welcome individual submissions on these and related subjects.

Abstracts and panel proposals should be submitted no later than November 30, 2013.

. For individual papers, we kindly ask you to
submit an abstract of not more than 1500 characters.

. For panels, please submit the title of the
panel and an abstract of up to 1500 characters explaining the overall focus, together with a 300 word abstract from each participant. We also need you to identify a chair.

. All proposals should be anonymous (i.e. the
abstract should not include the author's name and affiliation, nor shall it be printed on the author's private or university letter head), but be accompanied by presenter name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and email address(es) to be entered into a separate form

. Any audio-visual equipment requirements you
might have need to be submitted together with your proposal.

Applicants will be informed of the results of their submissions by the end of January 2014. Accepted presenters will be asked to submit a short, one paragraph biographical statement.

Further details can be found at:

Approved by ssjmod at 11:19 AM