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October 2, 2013

[SSJ: 8298] Reminder MVS Deadlines

From: Bestor, Victoria Lyon
Date: 2013/10/04

North American Coordinating Council's Multi-Volume Sets Project (NCC MVS)

Prescreening Deadline: October 15, 2013
Grant Application Deadline: December 20, 2013 http://guides.nccjapan.org/mvs

Call for Applications

With generous funding from the Japan-United States Friendship Commission, the North American Coordinating Council's Multi-Volume Sets Project makes grants for the purchase of expensive multi-volume sets of Japanese language materials. In the last two decades MVS has created a circulating national collection of Japanese resources numbering more than 43,000 items held in 37 institutions in all regions of the United States.

. Check qualified materials for MVS

While prescreening is not required for MVS grants, first consideration is given to the applicant who completes the prescreening process.

The DEADLINES for submitting applications for 2013-2014 MVS are October 15, 2013 (for prescreening) and December 20, 2013 (for grant application).
Tomoko Bialock
MVS Committee Librarian Co-Chair
Tomoko Bialock, Japanese Studies Librarian East Asian Library University of Southern California
3550 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1825 (213)740-8025| tbialock[at]usc.edu

Victoria Lyon Bestor
Executive Director
North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
149 Upland Road
Cambridge, MA 02140
Tel: 617-833-0755
Fax: 617-812-5854
Website: http://www.nccjapan.org/
Email: vbestor[at]fas.harvard.edu

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