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July 11, 2013
[SSJ: 8162] Call for Papers: The 2nd GRIPS Student Conference
From: Karin Hillen
Date: 2013/07/11
We are pleased to announce the 2nd GRIPS Student Conference, to be held on Thursday, September 5, 2013.
This year's theme is "Learning from the Past, Looking Towards the Future".
Conference Objectives
The conference aims to provide an opportunity for students, scholars, researchers, and professionals to:
. discuss changes and continuity in economics and
politics as well as ways in which policymakers can learn from historical analogies;
. discuss issues in comparative politics and
economics to explore the common challenges and possible solutions;
. present academic work and receive comments from
. contribute to the scholarship on emerging
economies by setting new research directions and encouraging rigorous inter-disciplinary research;
. network and interact with peers from a variety
of policy areas.
Call for Papers
We invite both empirical and conceptual papers on any issue in economics, political science, and social policy that is relevant to the conference theme. Below are some broad areas in which we invite presentations.
1. Economics
. Development economics and /or microeconomics
. Macroeconomics
. International economics
. Monetary economics
2. Political Science
. Public administration and governance
. International relations
. Traditional and non-traditional security
. International political economy
. Democratization
3. Social Policy
. Education and cultural policy
. Environment policy
. Public health policy
. Policy design and implementation
. Public policy
Presenters will have 25 minutes to present and answer questions. The official language of the conference is English, but papers in Japanese may also be considered.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Submit an abstract of 200-300 words by Monday, August 19, 2013. All abstracts must include a title, author(s)' name(s), affiliation, and e-mail, and 3-5 keywords. The abstract should describe the theme of the paper and the theory and research method used, and give a summary of the main conclusions.
To give the conference organizing committee an idea of the number of presenters we would kindly ask you to pre-register by Monday, August 5, 2013 with your tentative presentation title.
Stage Description Deadline
Stage I. Preregistration (including title)
Monday, August 5, 2013
Stage II. Submission of abstracts for review
Monday, August 19, 2013
Stage III. Authors are notified of their status
Monday, August 26, 2013
Stage IV. Submission of presentation slides
Friday, August 30, 2013
Inquiries, abstracts and presentation slides should be e-mailed to studentconference[at]grips.ac.jp
Check further info and latest updates at:
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